New England Weather Service


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About Us

Have you ever taken a ski vacation to Vermont and noticed that the forecast called for flurries and snow showers, but you have a half of a foot of new snow on the ground?

Have you ever been to Cape Cod in the summer, where the forecast called for mostly sunny skies but the sun didn't pierce through the clouds and fog until 2 in the afternoon?

At NEWXFS, our large staff of meteorologists are monitoring New England 24/7. On holidays, when other forecasters might slacken off and head home early, we work especially hard, for we understand that an accurate forecast in New England is of the utmost importance.

Whether (no pun intended) you're going hiking in the mountains, swimming at the beaches, hitting the slopes, or touring New Englands historic cities, we will provide the best forecast around to meet your needs!

Present and Future

NEWXS is a private forecasting service. We are in the building process of a project that will not be complete until 2003-2004. At this moment, our web-based forecasts are generally products of the National Weather Service (much like the local forecasts provided by The Weather Channel). Our clients, however, receive personalized forecasts by our staff of professional meteorologists (and we're all forecasters with meteorology degrees), which are more specific with regard to the information in need.

NEWXS * White Street * Danbury * CT * 06810